Mexico Finca Chelín Hydronatural Natural Geisha
Origin Story
This lot was grown at Finca Chelín, high in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, by Enrique López, a celebrated grower who is among the most experimental coffee farmers in our entire Direct Trade network. It is a single-varietal Geisha, but chances are it won’t taste quite like the last Geisha you tasted. That’s because it is what Enrique calls a “hydronatural natural” lot. Like other naturals, it was dried in the fruit. Unlike other naturals, its slow, four-week drying cycle was interrupted by an overnight soak in cold water at the end of day three. The combination of the coffee’s Geisha genetics, Finca Chelín’s exceptional terroir, and Enrique’s creative processing make this coffee unlike any other Geisha — or any natural — you will taste this year.